Recruitment Information

With the "open, equal, competitive, merit-based" employment mechanism, we sincerely invite talented people who are interested in IDC business to join.

If you are interested and qualified, please send your resume to the Personnel Administration Department of the company via email: The qualified applicants will arrange an interview as soon as possible.
  • Position name:Mechanical Draftsman
    Educational requirements:Undergraduate
    Number of recruits:Some
    Working place:GuangZhou

    Post requirements:

    1、根据客户需求提供产品相关技术方案(图纸、清单、解决方案等); 2、配合制作项目投标资料(图纸、清单、技术文件);3、根据项目需求提供技术资料签订合同(图纸、清单); 4、外出技术交流,负责客户技术培训,提供技术咨询等; 5、外出现场勘查。职位要求:1、大专或以上学历,机械相关专业,形象良好; 2、熟练操作绘图软件CAD、Inventor、Solidworks等,需熟悉运用office办公软件等; 3、工作态度热情,具备较强的理解能力和沟通能力,富有团队精神; 4、需具备较强撰写能力,独立完成PPT产品介绍和产品文案; 5、能接受出差、外派优先。

    Application process:

    1、简历请投递至 ,应聘邮件主题为“姓名+应聘岗位+联系电话”。
    2、联系电话: 020-38032832-242(何小姐)
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